15 Reasons for Membership with the Faculty of Party Walls Surveyors

Home15 Reasons for Membership with the Faculty of Party Walls Surveyors

15 Reasons for Membership with the Faculty of Party Walls Surveyors

1. A professional recognition of this specialist field is now being asked for by the general public. The FPWS provides such a list of members who have had some training and undergone an interview process before being put on the web site and offered to the general public.

2. Your membership subscription, goes towards research and development of the FPWS in its educational outreach.

3. Your membership gives you exclusive access to various support services including legal assistance as well as advice from senior well established party wall surveyors.

4. The FPWS provides Forum events and ac􀀐vi􀀐es whereby your learning is enhanced. The Forums are currently growing fast in all areas and provides the opportunity to meet with other like-minded surveyors as well as hearing good speakers on various associated subjects.

5. The FPWS issues a Newsletter regularly which is packed with useful articles and information for your additional learning.

6. The FPWS publishes useful guide books and a CPD study course to assist in your learning.

7. The FPWS awards CPD hours for all of their events, which is a requirement of membership and they do of course go towards your CPD requirements for your other institutional memberships.

8. Your membership gives you exclusive legal assistance from the Faculty’s legal department, which is particularly useful if you are chasing your fees.

9. Your membership gives you right of access into our library of case law and valid opinions.

10. If you are a Fellow and listed as one of our third surveyors then your name is also listed with Central Government.

11. The Faculty runs an advice line whereby names of surveyors are given to the general public who may be able to assist them further.

12. The FPWS runs many teaching seminars on the Act from beginners to experienced surveyors. Seminars on other subjects are also given.

13. The Faculty has an Escrow Agency run by the President, Alex Frame, which was set up primarily for membership use. It is used by very many surveyors currently.

14. Membership can be paid easily via a number of payment methods.

15. Finally you will be part of a growing Faculty that is seeing new heights in this industry which is second to none.

For more information visit: fpws.org.uk