The Party Wall Agreement, also known as a Party Wall Award. A legal document that outlines the rights, obligations, and procedures is followed by […]
What is a Party Wall Agreement | Party Wall Surveyors

The Party Wall Agreement, also known as a Party Wall Award. A legal document that outlines the rights, obligations, and procedures is followed by […]
If you’re embarking on a construction project that involves party walls. It’s important to understand the costs associated with hiring a party wall surveyor. […]
When dealing with party wall surveyor matters. It is highly recommended for the adjoining owner to seek guidance and expertise from experienced party wall […]
Party Wall Surveyor: A building owner must comply with the relevant statutory periods specified in the respective Notices before commencing notifiable works. These notice […]
Party Wall Surveyor: If the building owner has not fulfilled their obligation to repair any damage to your building or if the adjoining owner […]
Important Reason for Membership with the Faculty of Party Walls Surveyors 1. A professional recognition of this party wall surveyors field is now being […]