How We Support Architects with Party Wall Matters

HomeHow We Support Architects with Party Wall Matters

Architects and architectural designers play a core role in the planning and execution of construction projects. However, the Party Wall Matters etc. Act 1996 is often so convoluted that it can be quite difficult to understand. Our panel comprises experienced party wall surveyors who are ready to assist and offer free. Unbiased advice on compliance with the Act to ensure your project does not fall into legal problems.

Party Wall Matters
Party Wall Matters

Navigating the Party Wall Act

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 In an attempt to avoid disputes between neighbors, common walls, boundary walls, and excavations were enacted to be shared. Close to neighbouring structures, and to offer a structured approach toward the resolution of such disputes. Compliance with the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 will help one avoid project delays and costly legal disputes.

How We Assist Architects and Designers

Notifiable Works: The initial activity at any project is generally to establish whether the proposed works constitute notifiable under the Act. These include:

  • Works to an existing party wall or structure.
  • Building a new wall on or at the boundary between properties.
  • Excavation work near neighboring buildings.

We can help architects and designers identify those notifiable works at an early stage in the design process. Which ensures that all legal considerations are taken care of from the outset.

Service of Notices: Serving notices on adjoining owners is a statutory requirement of the Act. We will advise when the notice should be served, what it should contain. Also how it should be served to ensure that it is legally valid and assists in preventing potential disputes.

Party Wall Agreement Preparation and Review: When proposing notifiable works, it may be necessary for you to prepare a Party Wall Agreement, also known as an Award. Architects and we collaborate closely to prepare comprehensive agreements that accurately reflect the interests of all parties, ensuring a fair safeguard for everyone. When there is any kind of dispute arising, our surveyors can act impartially in resolving the same, thus allowing smoother progress on projects.

Advising on Design Changes: Sometimes, these proposed designs require changes to meet the requirements of the Act. Our surveyors liaise with the architectural teams to propose realistic solutions that are within the legal ambit and do not destroy the spirit of the designs.

Benefits of Our Expertise

Time and Cost Efficiency

If architects can plan ahead in the earliest stages of project planning, then that would mean no delays and hence no associated costs with regard to non-compliance. Our professional input, therefore, helps smoothen the process and thus saves precious time and resources.

Risk Mitigation

Full comprehension of the Party Wall Act and total adherence reduce the risk of any disputes with the adjoining owners. Our surveyors will make sure that all legal obligations are discharged. Which helps drastically in the nonzero chance of conflict affecting the project timeline and/or budget.

Greater confidence for the client

The project team proactively handles party wall matters, increasing the client’s confidence in the project’s outcome. Our involvement with architectural teams shows an intention of thorough and compliant project management.

Contact Us

Our party wall surveyors support architects and architectural designers from the very first stages through to completion on any project. Providing the service level required to address the complexities of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. If you require free, unbiased advice regarding party walls or simply want to ensure that all of your projects are compliant and dispute-free, then we’d love to help you.